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Saturday 3 July 2010

Grandma I love you grandma I dooooo

Went to see my nana today and it was so difficult. She' always been such a positive force in my life and to see her in the state she is in so hard. It prompted the discusion between me and hubbie as to wether it would be better to be in the position of nana and just be withdrawn into your own little world or to loose the use of your body and just be laid there fully aware of what is going on but unable to move like you used to. It's a tough one as I worry that due to the ms, especially when my legs are being uber rubbish, that I will end up imobile and Ant will have to do everything for me. I just have to switch my brain round though and be positive. They are, all be it slowly, making advaces in treatment, and I still have a fab life so need to enjoy it rather than mope.
So, in light of my more positive outlook, I shall talk about the fab things that have happened so far this weekend! On Friday to cheer dad up, when we got back to wilts went out for a super yummy dinner at le Flambe. The food there is so delicious that even after two course you always have room for pudding! I shall try to add picks, but am updating from I phone so not sure if I can! We are now at our friends house just about to have some yummy food (and I have had a few vodka and cokes so a bit giggly!) and my friends are great to take my mind off stuff! Will post again tomorrow!

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