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Sunday 26 September 2010

finally an update!

Sorry I've been so lazy and not updated this for a few weeks, it's been a combination of being super busy but also have nothing of interest to write about!
My friend in oz messaged me this morning saying she wishes I had updated because she likes knowing all the news!
So here we go........
The last two weeks have been pretty dull all in all! We have had some great low key evenings with friends involving too much wine drinking, eating yummy food and playing mine and hubbies new favourite game Articulate! This is so much fun especially when you've had a few drinks! I really loved playing it on Thursday round Laura's. It was me and Laur on one team and Hubbie and our friend Paul on another. The boys are both football mad and their strategy for winning was relating every answer to football! I'm not sure if that's cheating cause Laur and I had no chance of guessing their answers! Cheats! :)

Friday was interesting as we went to an audition for a game show! Was really fun! We were in a group of about 20 pairs and had to answer questions in the group and Hubbie and I rocked! There were about 20 questions and we answered 13 of them! Not sure if we've got through  but will keep you all posted!

Yesterday we went to chessington with my nephew Harvey, our friends and their little girl Matilda.

 Was a really fun but tiring day. We went on pretty much every ride (thanks MS for having one use, QUE JUMPING!), the kids had a great time and H was such a good boy we bought him a buzz light year toy which has been a joy this morning ;}

My favourite bits of the day we the bubbleworks, hubbie got soaked when he leaned back into the water jets to avoid me and H splashing him, the monkey swing cause H&M demanded they sat on the outside not realising they would get soaked! The poor things were dripping when they got off!
Below are some pics from the day

Right got to go as we are skyping another friend in oz! this has been a bit of a non flowing post but will update more in the week! xxx

Saturday 11 September 2010

What a rubbish blogger I am!

I realised this morning I have not updated this for ages! There hasn't been an awful lot going on so thought it would be dull!
Anyway, here's what I've been doing:
Last Saturday we went to hubbies cousins for a BBQ and it was such a great day! Their two little girls are gorgeous!

They are both so smiley and lovely and it's brilliant now J is talking a lot. She's such a clever little girl, at a very young age, she can already count to 15 and knows her ABC, she's a child genius! She is also very funny. It was time for her bath and she didn't want to have it so her dad said to her "if you're not clean the flies will get you" so off she went and when she came back we all said how lovely and clean she looked. J replied with "No flies on me!" brilliant! Her little sis H is fun too, she's such a happy little thing and it's quite funny to watch how sibling relationships develop. The way they are around each other now reminds me of when me and my sis were little. I used to get so annoyed with her pinching my things, but now I couldn't be without her. She's been on holiday for the past two weeks and I've really missed our daily catch ups. Hopefully J&H will grow up to be just as close.

Went to see the Neuro on Thursday and was one of the most positive meetings I've had with her. We talked about my medication and how I can go on Tysabari, which is great as my friends are on it and it seems to be so good! She also said she is not going to be as tough on steroids administration whilst I am off the Rebif so that is good! You are only meant to have them at 6 month intervals max, so it's good she will let me have them if I need them at shorter intervals..

Oh, almost forgot! I passed my driving theory test last Friday! I've booked my practical now and have to really gear myself up for this! To help, hubbie has said he will buy me a car for my 30th, which is brilliant, can't believe I might be driving soon scary!

OK, this has been a little boring, but I promise I will do something exciting next time! xxx

Thursday 2 September 2010


Sorry I've not updated this all week, it's been a rather dull one!
I've been getting over my cold, going to work, revising for my theory test and sleeping! All rather dull really!
I think the only exciting thing that has happened this week is our drains getting blocked which has been a nightmare! We've had this a couple of times in the flat but not nearly this bad! We had yucky water over flowing from the toilet and the sinks in bathroom and kitchen blocked! Nightmare! We had to go to our friends to use the loo, bless Laura she was really good!
After 6 HOURS the management company that look after our flat sent someone out, and that took ages as they had helpfully covered up access to the drains with some green shrubs. I really hate our management company, they take ages to fix anything, do the job shoddily and expect the owners (i.e us) of the flats to be grateful that they came out at all!! Grr! They shall be getting a very nasty letter from me that is for sure!
Anyway, enough ranting, I need to carry on my revision ready for tomorrow! Will update and let you know how I do!