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Sunday, 20 June 2010

What a week

Ok, so I've not updated this for a while, but it's not down to laziness, more having a horrible week that knocked me for six. To start with: finding out my Nana has a brain tumour and that, due to her age, they cannot operate because she may not come through the anaesthetic. Then, when I had absorbed that and sorted my head out, my mum, who also has MS, has been told that her beta interferon medication doesn't seem to be working. This would suggest that her MS has progressed from relapse remit to progressive. This was a blow on two fronts. The first worry and upset for my mum, if it has progressed then they will stop her meds as they have not found anything to stop progressing MS yet once it reaches progressive stage. I am also annoyed with mum's neurologist. She has only ever been on the one typo of beta interferon, she might not be reacting well to that one, so try her on another! A friend of mine who has ms was not responding so now they are trying her on tysabari which is a bit more hard core. I wish Mums neuro wasn't so blind sided to think that this will be the end and mum will just be left to progress.
My second worry is on a much more selfish level. I am my mums image. Out of her two daughters I was the one who inherited her looks and now her MS. How am I to know that my MS won't get beyond meds?? I feel so selfish worrying about myself when mum is going through this but it's hard not too.

It's at times like these that I am so glad for my brilliant support network around me. I had a great day on Friday. Went for coffee with my friend Lou and she is wonderful at talking about the things that are worrying me and then taking my mind off it by telling me some funny stuff that is going on. I have the best friend ever!!!
Friday was also a good day for my walking. I had my first session of physical physio and the back massage the physio gave me hurt like hell at first on Friday but by Saturday it had really done it's stuff! I was able to walk around freely (still a bit of fatigue but hey ho), in heels!! and even managed a few mins walking without my stick!!! Wooooo! If I carry on like this I will hopefully be stick free soon! which will be amazing! I'm too young to walk with a stick and really want to get rid!

Anyway I have rambled on far too much all ready will be updating again tomorrow xxxxx
p.S I have added a silly photo. To cheer myself up this week I have been looking at pics from our gorgeous holiday and this one always makes me giggle!

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